It’s Time To Start Counting Fogs

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It is about that time.

When the calendar flips to August, one of our preseason traditions kicks off around the Ski Southeast offices – the counting of fogs.

August 1 is one of those milestone dates as the annual fog count brings a gentle reminder (as if we need it) that the season is fast approaching.

For those wondering, we are nearing the 100-day mark until the start of the season.

Crazy how fast time flies.

The August fog count really kicks off our preseason as we start knocking off the dust off the Ski Southeast machine and get things cranking.

So for those new to the Ski Southeast family, you may be wondering – why is he talking about August fogs?

It goes back to weatherlore.

The old wise tale goes for each foggy morning in the month of August will equal one snow in the winter.

There is no wonder we are big fans of foggy mornings over the next 31 days.

Even more, the old mountain tradition is to place a bean in the jar to keep a count of each foggy morning.

Last year, we saw 23 beans in the year, while 2021 had 21 beans.
August 2020 featured 26 fogs.

Previous years saw 15 foggy mornings in 2018, 22 in 2017, and 21 in 2016.
The more fogs the better right?

As usual, we will keep an updated count in our own bean jar as well as here on the site.

Over the month, we will look and discuss some other weatherlore as we get things cranking up.

That does it for today, but #ThinkSnow!

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August 1, 2023 – Pretty Foggy and 1 for 1
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