Anthony Clemons Trip Report for Wolf Ridge on January 23rd, 2007

On Snow

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Had such a great time at Wolf last night that I decided to go up again tonight with my girl. We arrived about 6:30pm to find quite a lot of people there.

What a difference a day makes. Due to the colder temps, they were blowing snow EVERYWHERE! Every slope that I could see was being loaded with fresh manmade snow. The website says they plan on opening viewfinder and connecting to the new section by this weekend, and I believe it. They probably could have opened it up tonight.

The downside, which was a big one, is that while grooming was very good, the temp change converted the entire resort into a big ice rink. It was extremely icy from top to bottom and made it quite hard to maneuver.

The 3rd run down the mountain, I landed poorly from coming over a kicker and cart wheeled down the hill about a hundred feet. Nothing wrong with me but I broke my rear binding. Managed to make it down the rest of the way without any issues but called it a night.

Gonna cost a hundred bucks or so for new bindings, but I have had my eye on a set of customs so it is a good excuse now to get them.

Final thoughts are that while the extreme ice conditions made it a less than enjoyable trip – any night on the slopes is better than being home on the couch. Plus, it was nice to see them making snow everywhere else other than the main trail. Should make for a wonderful weekend to whoever is planning on making the trip there.

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