The Fogs Of August Have Arrived (Updated 8/15)

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8/15 Update: It was a foggy morning to kick off the week.

After a fogless weekend, we were able to add another bean in the jar to bring the total to 11 so far this month.

We will take that as we hit the middle of the month.

The fogs are certainly on a trend to hit the 20’s – which would be fantastic if you are a believer in weather lore.

As always, #ThinkSnow.

8/9 Update: We are up to seven beans in the jar so far this month.

This morning brought a somewhat clear morning to snap a foggy streak. However, I will continue to take the percentages we are seeing so far.

8/5 Update: August continues to be off to a quick start.

With valley fog this morning, we added a fourth bean to the jar after Thursday was a clear morning.

We will certainly take a 4-of-5 batting average to open the month.

Here’s a cool, morning shot from our new drone at 300′ above Watauga Lake this morning. There WAS early fog here, but it quickly burned off and turned into low-hanging clouds. Pretty, huh?

August Fog Count in Western North CarolinaOriginal Story
The August fogs have arrived.

It is hard to believe that we are sitting in August – it seems like we just put the wraps on the 2021-22 season a few weeks ago – but time seems to continue to fly by.

If you aren’t familiar with the weather lore of August fogs, mountain folklore has long said that “for every fog in August, there will be a snowfall during the subsequent winter season.”

Simply – we love foggy August mornings.

Another mountain tradition that we have even adopted around the Ski Southeast offices is to keep count of the foggy mornings by placing one bean for every foggy morning in a jar.

Last season, we finished with 21 beans. That was down from 2020’s mark of 26 fogs.

Interestingly, 2020 actually saw a stretch of 20 straight foggy mornings.

Previous totals include:
August 2019: 15
August 2018: 22
August 2017: 18
August 2016: 21

Hopefully, we reach the 20s for the third straight year.

We are off to a pretty solid start as we are 3-for-3 with some pretty heavy fogs in some locations.

Let’s keep that trend rolling.

While there are plenty of other wise tales, we like to put all our beans in one jar so to speak.

Keep checking back for the tally and updates throughout the month.

That does it for today, but until next time, #ThinkSnow and #ThinkFog!

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We are 12 for 16 Foggy August Mornings (as of this morning)
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