Updated 9/1: The August Fogs Are Here

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9/1 Update: With a strong end of the month, we ended up with 21 beans in the fog jar for August.

It wasn’t quite as good as last year’s 26, but hopefully it bodes well for a snowy winter.

It is hard to believe that today is September 1 – which happens to be the first day of meteorological fall. Time is just flying by.

Fall is a special time in the mountains and this year will be no different with all kinds of events on the schedule.

Of course, is there really a bad time to visit the mountain?

As long-time readers can attest, we kick the dust of the Ski Southeast machine late July and really start kicking things up a notch through September and into October.

Be sure to join us over on social media to get the latest.

8/24 Update: And another one.

With a foggy morning across the region today, we were able to add another bean to the jar bringing our total to 14 so far this month.

After a soggy week last week, this week is feeling more like August – albeit a tad on the warmer side. Hopefully, we will add some more fogs to our total over the next week.

That does it for today – #ThinkSnow and #ThinkFog!

8/18 Update: We have reached 10 beans in the jar with a heavy fog this morning across the High Country.

We will take batting just over 50% as we have just surpassed the midpoint of the month.

It feels like we are forever behind last year’s extremely foggy August, but in reality, we are only three behind and only five behind from tying the 2019 mark of 15.

If you are into the other wise tales for August, we can certainly check off the unusually warm first week of August box – meaning hopefully we will have a snowy and long winter.

Hopefully, that pans out.

What is the fog count for your location? We would love to hear your fog counts!

8/11 Update: After a fogless spell to end last week, we have now recorded two straight mornings with fog to bring our total to five beans in the jar so far this month.

We have seen fog three of the past four days, which is nice considering we only had two beans in the jar a week into the month.

Stay tuned for more updates as we get amped for the season.

Original Story:

The fogs of August are here.

For as slow as time seemed to go by in 2020, 2021 is flying by at a rapid pace. It seems like we were wrapping up the season just last week, and now we are prepping for a new one.

We have a few cobwebs we will have to shake out as we crank things back up, and the first reminder that the season is about here is always the August Fogs.

So what is the deal about August fog?

Mountain folklore places a special meaning on the number of foggy mornings in August as, according to folklore, “For every fog in August, there will be a snowfall during the subsequent winter season.”

We like putting our beans in one jar as we’ve even adapted that mountain tradition around the Ski Southeast offices.

Last year, we finished the month of August with 26 fogs – including 20 straight days at one point. In 2020, we had 15 August patches of fog at the Ski Southeast offices, but several locations broke into the 20’s.

Previous totals include:
August 2019 – 15
August 2018 – 22
August 2017 – 18
August 2016 – 21

Here is to hoping we get back in the 20s again this year.

So far, the month is off to a good start as we have two beans in the year through three days.

I will gladly take that batting average to start with.

There are some other “wise tales” that we will mention throughout the month, but we don’t rely on them as heavily.

Those include:

“If the first week in August is unusually warm, the coming winter will be snowy and long.”

“If a cold August follows a hot July, it foretells a winter hard and dry.”

There are plenty of more where those came from as well.

August 1 is always an exciting time for our team as it signals the start of our “unofficial” preseason to get things cranked up for the upcoming season.

We have some great things in the pipeline and I am excited for you guys to see them.

That does it for today, but until next time, #ThinkSnow and #ThinkFog!

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