After Braving The Rain, We Have Powder Days In Our Future Throughout The Region

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Powder is in the forecast. So if you work for one of those companies with a “use-it-or-lose-it” paid time off policy, today and tomorrow would probably be a good time to use it.

It’s already snowing at Canaan Valley Resort, Wisp, and Snowshoe this morning. Meanwhile, snow showers are expected at Timberline, Beech, Sugar, and Winterplace today. That could start as early as 10:30 a.m. at some resorts.

It looks like most of the resorts were able to power through that wild nor’easter that is still making its way up the coast. The ResortCams at App Ski show that while the dusting of natural snow that had stuck around from Monday’s natural snowfall all the way until I was there on Saturday morning, yesterday’s rain washed it away on trails like Thin Slice. And it looks like while Sugar and Beech were hit with a similar result, there is far less washed away than I was expecting.

This is the start of a very important stretch for resorts all across the country. As Joe Stevens reports in his column from yesterday, the week before, of, and after Christmas week in some cases makes up 35 to 40% of the season’s budget for the resorts. So for you regulars, that means two things: book stuff in advance, and be patient with those who are new to the pastime.

I think that I share the same frustrations as everyone when a mishap by a newcomer causes some sort of disruption in the usual flow of things. Sometimes that takes the shape of a chairlift stopping or slowing down. Sometimes, that’s at the lift ticket counter. But just remember, many of these newcomers are already nervous to enter a world they know nothing about. So just exercise a little patience, and always be willing to point someone in the right direction if they look misguided.

That leaves me with one more thing: be a good ambassador! If you’re bringing a friend or family member to the slopes over the next few weeks, it is your responsibility to show them what the proper etiquette is. If your cousin is bringing his or her skis through the line inside the lodge on their way to getting chicken tenders, that is on you to teach them otherwise. (Yes, I’ve witnessed that happen firsthand before, at Jay Peak in Vermont of all places).

The regulars hold more power than they realize. If someone has a great experience because you give them some advice on the chairlift, that can keep them coming back for years and years to come. If they have a bad experience because you make fun of the gaper gap in their helmet, it could be enough to ruin the experience.

Besides, it’s more fun to make fun of your own friends for having a gaper gap anyways.

But without any further delay, it’s a powder day! So here’s what you need to know throughout the southeast.


We’re talking about heavy snow showers in West Virginia, and Snowshoe is set to reap the benefits quite handsomely.

It’s been snowing there since 7 a.m., and while about 1-3 inches of accumulation is expected during the daytime today, another 6 to 10 inches is possible into the night. Winds could reach up to 39 miles per hour, but this is shaping up to be one heck of a powder day, if the forecast holds strong.

There are 23 open trails for you today.

And if you missed the rail jam on Saturday, here are some photos.


ResortCams and SkiSoutheast – which, just to clarify the relationship for the readers, are the same entity – has taken over the hosting of Wisp’s webcam, and the snowflakes are looking pristine out there.

There are eight trails open at Wisp this morning, including Central Terrain Park. Keep an eye on its snow report though, as that trail list could expand soon, with natural snow falling.


Here’s what the snow reporting team at Timberline has to say about today:

Timberline Mountain is open with 15 of 20 trails today. All open terrain has been machine groomed this morning, but you may find variable conditions on the mountain today as temperatures drop and both snowmaking and natural snowfall begin in the afternoon. Snowmaking will continue as long as conditions allow, with the goal of opening our remaining terrain as quickly as possible. The forecast today calls for a low of 19 and a high of 32 with snow beginning in the afternoon with a possible accumulation of 1 to 3 inches. Snow is expected to continue overnight with another 3 to 5 inches of accumulation by Tuesday morning.”


Ski patroller Bill Nabers is back with another report, this time from the top of White Lightning:

White Lightening opened (Saturday) morning giving us three trails from the top and two beginner areas.  Nicely packed and groomed conditions…Come out and enjoy.”

It’s looking rather green along the edges, but its trails are looking good!

Thanks to everyone that joined us on Discord.

Think snow!

Think cold!

Click here to join us on our new SkiSoutheast Discord channel. It is a great way to meet new snow loving friends and shares experiences, ask questions, and more!

And as always, email me at [email protected] with your thoughts and photos. I want to see powder day pictures!

Keep skiing the southeast.

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Ski Southeast Forecast for 12/18/2023: Another cool down and snow mid week.
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