Timberline Resort Operates Until April 6th – No April Fool Joke!

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For Immediate Release

Timberline Announces Plans to Operate Ski Area Until April 6th.

Timberline is now the only ski area operating in the south-eastern United States. With 24 trails still open, the resort plans for closing weekend festivities April 4-6, 2008.

Timberline Four Seasons Resort has significantly increased its snowmaking capacity. Its position on the Eastern Continental Divide and its altitude allows the ski area to enjoy an expanded winter season despite the variable Eastern weather patterns.

The resort recently purchased 100 new stationary snow guns and installed two vertical turbine pumps. This major investment allowed a major increase in pumping capacity to insure its expanding trail system is covered with snow early and late in the season. The emphasis on snowmaking is in keeping Timberline’s reputation of “Real Snow Country”.

The closing weekend program will include the traditional Local’s Cup Race which has been held at Timberline annually since 1991. The new race will be a dual slalom ski race open to Alpine, Telemark, and snowboard participants.

The resort will also sponsor the annual Jimmy Buffett Tribute at the ski lodge’s Fireside grill and Timber’s Pub. James Michael Woodyard will present his tribute Friday and Saturday evening. There will be no cover charge.

For further information call 304-866-4801 or visit our website www.timberlineresort.com

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Jessica Scowcroft sent us this nice shot from Timberline Resort in West Virginia! They are the only resort still open in the Southeast and Mid Atlanti
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Timberline Announces Plans to Operate Ski Area Until April 6th.
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