SKINC SUMMIT 2006 Happening this Weekend!

First Trax

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The first item of business this morning is to update you guys on the story that we broke late yesterday afternoon about Wolf Laurel potentially being closed this weekend. After posting the news as told to us by Johnny Goins from up at Wolf Laurel, we received an email from Tim Bryant who works closely with Rick Bussey who bought into the slopes with co-owner Orville English, and Tim updated us to say, “I was in a meeting with Rick Bussey this afternoon when the call came in from the slopes that everything is a GO for the weekend.  All issues with the Quad have been dealt with and Wolf Laurel is WIDE OPEN for this weekend.”

Thanks Tim for the update and THAT IS GOOD NEWS to all Wolf Laurel fans.

On Wednesday we received a couple of “heads up” calls and emails from some of you guys commenting or asking about Wolf Laurel Ski Area closing this weekend.  A few of the emails alluded to all sorts of reasons why.  However we don’t play in rumors around here so we called and spoke with Johnny Goins and basically what is at issue is that there are some mechanical issues regarding the Quad lift at Wolf Laurel and without the use of the Quad lift for the weekend, they would have to service the mountain with one double.  That’s not an option said Johnny Goins, “Mike we are having some issues regarding the mechanics of the Quad lift and we’re not going to go into a busy weekend without the use of both lifts.”

According to Mr. Goins they were to make that call sometime Thursday or Friday as they were hoping to be able to resolve those issues…and OBVIOUSLY THEY DID.


After a little under-developed snow (rain) overnight and this morning, we will see one more day of slightly milder than normal conditions today and that should make for some varied conditions on the slopes.  There’s PLENTY of snow base (more than TWO FEET) across the trails but conditions will range from variable to wet granular in North Carolina .  Expect some slushy but decent conditions and some areas where you’ll fall in love with the snow.  So overall – we will call it “GOOD” conditions for today. The forecast is for a sunny and COLD weekend.  Expect that the snowguns will crank up tonight and pretty much near normal temps for Friday and Saturday, with snowmaking at night.  Sunday and Monday will turn sharply colder!


The messageboard crew has organized the 2nd Annual SKINC Summit and this year’s event will be held THIS SATURDAY, February 25th at Ski Beech.  Organizers are planning to meet up in the middle parking lot at Ski Beech at about 8:30am-9am and then hang out and do some socializing, grilling, chilling and of course some SKIING and RIDING together for most of the day. The Messageboard Crew has mutated into a ski club like no other.  After organizing a small gathering of eight diehard members for the 1st SkiNC Summit which was held at Hawksnest last season, the guys got it together this year and have not only met NUMEROUS times this season to make some turns together at various resorts, they also put on a MASSIVE SkiNC/Utah Summit wherein the skied for more than a week at some of Utah’s best resorts.  The Utah Summit was attended by at last 14 souls that met through the messageboard!

The Messageboard Crew (we’re going to HAVE to come up with a name for these people!) are a diverse group of professionals, students and snow lovers who are funny, bright, witting and a little irreverent at times…which makes for a GREAT way to burn some time.  If you don’t mind getting addicted venture over to the messageboard and do a little reading and within no time I’ll bet you’ll find yourself there more often that you’ll realize!  Many of the diehard members will be there DAILY throughout the summer!

Back on point – The Crew will be hosting a get together at Ski Beech and YOU ARE INVITED!  All you have to do is show up.  If you want to visit the messageboard a little bit, you’ll find that you kind of get to know these guys and gals in no time at all.

If you’ve been following the board for awhile you already feel like you know TeleDave, MrStinky, GreshamB, Markhpnc, Wayne Cash, SkiCop, BamaPilot, MondayLady, ut_Twintip, extremeskier11, Ga tom, MBlacky1051, Axis X, skiatlanta, Mellow Yellow, afrobigfoot, drmnofpow, parisandrewsdaddy, ICEHOCEY77, XboxChick, outdoor wood, ridesno, hnhbaxter, eng23ine, n_alabamaskier, kdawg, SkiMastercraft, and MANY others…oh and of course the post king himself…the vocabulary challenged Snowbird! (We have a lot of fun with Joe Harmon!)  Oh yea, did I mention that these people have REAL names too, like Dave, Joe, Mark, Jason, Liz, etc! 

If you’ve visited the board often enough there is no question that you’ve done some laughing and had some moments where you felt pretty close to these otherwise strangers and if you want to get a chance to meet up with some of them…this is your chance to do so.

We will ALL be semi-strangers but only for a few moments as we all have one great thing in common…the love of strapping on ONE board or TWO and hitting the snow. Don’t be intimidated because there’s a HUGE variety of skier levels in this group from some real powder hounds, to near beginners…so come out and enjoy a great day at Ski Beech.  You can check out the messageboard because the crew plans to have a 2nd day on the slopes at Cataloochee on Sunday!

Come on out anytime during the day and look for the crew that’s having a ball…that will be us!

Until Next Time!

Be sure to check out  for more news and stories for all of the Southeast’s ski areas.

Be sure to email photos, snow reports and comments to: [email protected]

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