Thanks for a GREAT SEASON!!!


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Thanks to all of our network of meteorologists who use our content and information via their own broadcasts and web content. Special thanks to Brad Panovich who provided studio quality video weather updates all season long. We look forward to growing that content in seasons to come!

What an interesting season! We’ll be recapping the season and putting our take on things in a day or two so be sure to check back. We want to take this time to thank each and every one of you, our readers, for coming on the website this season. We appreciate you stopping by our little piece of heaven daily. We love it here in the mountains and appreciate the honor of being able to share the beauty and wonder of it with you guys.

We’re proud to announce that according to the top two internet stats reporting services our ski network received three times the visitor/readership of ALL of the rest of the regional and association ski websites in the region – COMBINED! That bears repeating. Take ALL of the other regional ski websites in the Southeast and Mid Atlantic, and add in the ski association websites. Total them all up together and we pulled more than three times that number during the 2009-2010 ski and snowboarding season!

…and we have YOU to thank for it! Our readers are the best, most informative and passionate ski and snow lovers on the planet. Thanks for talking us up. You are greatly appreciated.


From October 1, 2009 through closing day, April 11th, we saw a total of 3,222,165 Unique Visitors come to the site with 41,462,011 pages viewed. For the first time ever our webcam pages made up literally one-half of the entry visitor pages and pages viewed meaning that of our 3,222,165 visitors, 1,481,520 of you started your visit with us this season looking at the camera pages before popping over to our snow report page. The third most visited starting point was our front page which made ME feel better, knowing that you guys are reading our daily FirsTrax news!

Speaking of that – during the 137 day ski season we posted 222 FirsTrax Daily stories, 80 announcements for various ski areas, 43 weather updates and 25 trip reports. Joe Steven’s of Joe Knows Snow provided 17 weekly updates for us this season and my team added hundreds of events to the calendar this season. Additionally, we posted 137 snow reports. We posted 822 photos of the day and videos from around the region. All said we provided you, our readers with 1,346 updates or reasons to check back with us during the 137 day season!

That, my friends, makes us BY FAR the most interactive ski and snowboarding website east of the Rockies!


We want to send out a special thanks to all of the ski area management teams for helping us provide – hands down – the most accurate and up-to-date content for the ski areas of the Southeast and Mid Atlantic. Some of you (and you know who you are) stay in touch with us regularly throughout each season and we really appreciate you guys and gals making us your first venue to share your announcements and news. You guys all rock.

Stay tuned for some closing comments in the next couple of days.

Until next time…


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