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They extend out quite a ways. The surfing wasn't so good that weekend. You couldn't even call what was coming in waves. But of course there were some clowns who had to try their hand at surfing what little was there. They had enough time to catch a wave, stand up and then jump off on shore. To be honest, I wouldn't have wasted my time.
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The smell of Gardenias is Florida to me. Honeysuckles ore in full smell now here.
"You mean there is Two of them??"
"it's about 10 very heavy inches. I can drive it but it sure will be slow"

Actually Gardenias kind of take their toll on you. You even get tired of the smell of orange blossoms after a few seasons. It is funny how living here gives one a different outlook. I am ready to go postal on Mickey, use a .50 cal on Shamu and blow up I-drive. I was kind of hoping Iran would sell me a nuke!!!! :D
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I really enjoy the water splashing agianst that rock.

FastSk8r, what kind of camera do you use?

A Kodak DX6490. I also have a complete 35mm Minolta X body setup that I use, although its use time gets less and less since with digital I can review my photos on the fly and determine if I need to reshoot. I wish digital existed when I was shooting for magazines! It sure would have made life easier.

Well, here are a few more pics from the urban jungle. I returned to Ponce Inlet this weekend to attempt my lighthouse photos. It really turned out to be a PIA courtesy of the fact that the light doesn't come on until the sun has set enough to make it tough. This first shot was taken early enough that the light wasn't lit, but what was left of the sun gave me a decent photo:

The next photo was taken a few minutes later as the light came on:

And the final shot was the last one of the outing thanks to the fact that it was absolute @#$% trying to get the auto focus to work by that time. Next time I will bring my SLR:

In between shooting these photos and getting eaten alive by bugs, I kept getting visited by Fiddler Crabs. Just for @#$%s and grins, I decided to wait by a hole with the camera ready until one came out to visit me. This photo was the end result of that encounter:

Now, just so you know, this isn't an existing light photo. Due to the rapidly waning light, I had to cheat and use Fill Flash. But I got a kick out of the photo once I got it. My only regret was I had no idea what direction he was going to be facing when he came out of the hole, so the photo is from his backside.

I like the first shot the best. Could easily be on a postcard.

There are lots of photo ops at the beach! Take some more, sk8r.
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creegan wrote:
I like the first shot the best. Could easily be on a postcard.

Plans for 2015: To ski more than you

I just wish the light had come on at that time. It really would have made a much better photo. Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men... :wink:

fastsk8r wrote:
I just wish the light had come on at that time. It really would have made a much better photo. Oh well, the best laid plans of mice and men... :wink:

Oh, criticizing yourself ... It's a sweet photo.

Get out there and take some more...
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